Santa Fe [1920s-1950s]

Description: The Insitute of Federalist Studies (Instituto de Estudios Federalistas) was founded in the city of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz ni 1938 and was disolved in 1943. The first institute in Argentina was created with the purpose of trying to read its history reclaiming the role of the federal caudillos (leaders) as they represented the crowds. Some of its members were Justo Díaz de Vivar, Félix Barreto, Sigfrido Radaelli, José María Rosa, Manuel Vizoso Gorostiaga, José M. Funes, Absalón Casas, Alfonso Durán and Carlos Gregorio Romero Sosa. Alfredo M. Bello directed the institute. See, Mariela Coudannes Aguirre, “El escándalo revisionista en Santa Fe” Revista Escuela de Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Salta, 9, Nro. 9, 2010. Extent and format of original material: This envelope contains newspapers' and magazines' clippings, photos, telegrams, documents, city guides, letters, postcards, and booklets. There is many information on the political parties: Uníon Cívica Nacional, and Partido Demócrata Nacional.