Política 30s-50s [1930s-1950s]

Description: Politics in Argentina from 1930s to 1950s is mainly characterized by the occurrence of three military coups that initiated the bad habit of citizens and military officers to decide the government of a democratic republic by the use of force. In 1930, General José Uriburu put a violent end to the presidency of the twice-elected Hipólito Yrigoyen. With this coup, the agrarian Argentine elite came back to power allowing foreign capitals—English in particular—to influence and prevail on the national economy. This was interrupted by a nationalist military coup that introduced social policies through the Labour Department presided by Juan Domingo Perón. He persuaded or took over most of the trade-unions and imposed policies and laws much needed in a country where the industries mostly ignored the labour factor. In 1946 and 1952, General Perón was elected to become president, in particular, by the working class that became a new political actor in Argentina. In 1949, women started to vote. In 1955, however, the military interrupted Peron’s government through a new coup forbidding much of the workers’ newly acquired rights and persecuting many of Peron’s followers. But, at the workplace, the rank-and-files started to resist. Extent and format of original material.