Correspondence between the Provincial Presidency with Municipal Judges and Public Prosecutors, 1866-1870

The book contains registers of letters from the time period 1866-1870, including: Dr. Felisardo Toscano de Brito's report to the Provincial Assembly on the opening of a session; Municipal Judge beginning his tenure in Termo do Pombal; Américo Brasiliense de Almeida Mello begins his tenure as President of the Province, appointed by the Emperor in a letter; enrollment of minor Manoel, the son of humble parents, in the capital city's Scholl for Craftsman (Colégio de Educandos Artífices); detachment from Cajazeiras sent to the capital city; Silvio Teixeira da Rocha and Pedro Teixeira da Rocha's trial result, with both men sent to jail, and Manoel Dias and João Cordeiro, for resisting arrest in the district of Alagoa do Monteiro; invasion of the estate of Major Sebastião Lopes da Silva, at Fazenda Caissara, by criminals Bartholomeu and Vicente; petition by Francisco Cafundó, detained at Fernando de Noronha's prison. Letters are signed by Joaquim Maria Serra Sobrinho (Province Secretary), João Francisco de Mello Barreto (Secretary), Américo Brasiliense de Almeida Mello, Manoel Leite Cesar Loureiro (Public Prosecutor of the Piancó District).

Created by the Provincial Government of Paraíba.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of200 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with non-original cover. Damaged by insects, iron gall ink, and acid paper. Missing initiaal folios. Some folios are torn. Numerated through folio 199.

Creator (Author): Joaquim Maria Serra Sobrinho (Secretário de Província), João Francisco de Mello Barreto (Secretário), Américo Brasiliense de Almeida Mello, Manoel Leite Cesar Loureiro (Promotor Público da Comarca de Piancó).