Rank Letters of the National Guard issued by the President of the Province, 1858-1865

The book contains rank letters (cartas patentes) of Lieutenant Adelino Baptista de Carvalho, of the Second Battalion of Santa Rita's Second Company (2ª Companhia do 2º Batalhão de Santa Rita), Frederico da Gama Cabral, of the Second Battalion of Santa Rita's Second Company (2ª Companhia do 2º Batalhão de Santa Rita), Jozé Lourenço Vaz Ribeiro Junior, of the Tenth Battalion of Campina Grande's First Company of (1ª Companhia do 10º Batalhão de Campina Grande), Antonio Veríssimo de Lima, of the Third Company of Livramento's Third Battalion (3ª Companhia do 3º Batalhão de Livramento), João da Costa Faria, of the Third Company of Independência's Seventeenth Battalion (3ª Companhia do 17º Batalhão da Independência), Sergeant Francisco Fausto Jasmin Pitiá, of the Capital's First Battalion (1º Batalhão da Capital), José da Silva Lisbôa, Eighth Company of Alagoa Nova's Thirteenth Battalion (8ª Companhia do 13º Batalhão de Alagoa Nova), João Martins Casado (2ª Companhia do 12º Batalhão de Alagoa Grande), Sergeant João Antonio Ferreira de Menêzes, of the Third Company of the Capital's National Guard Reserve (3ª Companhia do Batalhão de Reserva da Guarda Nacional da Capital), and others. Letters refer to the posts of Lieutenant,, Captain, Lieutenant Surgeon, and others, from cities in Paraíba do Norte, from January 30, 1858, to March 21, 1865, signed by Government Secretary Antonio Manuel Baptista.

Created by the Provincial Government of Paraíba.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 256 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript and print book, wih non-original hardcvoer. Damaged by insects and iron gall ink. Some folios are torn.

Creator (Author): Antonio Manuel Baptista (Secretário do Governo).