Rank Letters of National Guard Officials, 1844-1847

The book contains rank letters (cartas patentes) of military officials such as Antonio Joaquim de Mendonça, of the Villa de Cabacerias's First Company of the National Guard Battalion (1ª Companhia do Batalhão da Guarda Nacional do Município da Villa de Cabaceiras), João Dantas de Farias, of Catolé do Rocha's Second Company of the National Guard Battalion (2ª Companhia do Batalhão da Guarda Nacional de Catolé do Rocha), João Luiz Pereira Luna of the Third Company of the National Guard First Battalion's Second Legion (3ª Companhia do 1º Batalhão da 2ª Legião da Guarda Nacional), Luiz Maurício da Gama of the Second Company of the National Guard Second Battalion's Second Line (2ª Companhia do 2º Batalhão da 2ª Linha da Guarda Nacional), Francisco de Pontes Cavalcante of the First Company of Brejo de Areia's National Guard Battalion (1ª Companhia do Batalhão da Guarda Nacional do Brejo de Areia), Manoel Fernandes da Silva of the Second Company of Villa de Mamanguape's National Guard Second Battalion ( 2ª Companhia do 2º Batalhão da Guarda Nacional da Villa de Mamanguape), Joaquim Ferreira de Souza Formiga, of Pombal's National Guard Battalion (Batalhão da Guarda Nacional de Pombal), Manoel Porfírio Delgado of Mamanguape's National Guard Second Battalion (2º Batalhão da Guarda Nacional de Mamanguape), Joaquim Leite Ferreira Tenoz of Villa de Piancó's First Battalion's Fourth Company (4ª Companhia do 1º Batalhão da Villa de Piancó), and others. In reference to the posts of Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Assistant Lieutenant, in the town of Paraíba do Norte, from April 25, 1844, to January 11, 1847, signed by Government Secretary João Antonio Baptista, as well as Secretaries Felizardo Toscano de Brito and Jozé Custódio de Sá Leitão.

Created by the Provincial Government of Paraíba.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 142 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with non-original hardcover. Severely damaged by insects and iron gall ink. Some folios are torn. Numerated through folio 144.

Creator (Author): João Antonio Baptista (Secretário do Governo), Felizardo Toscano de Brito (Secretário), Jozé Custódio de Sá Leitão (Secretário).