Rank Letters ("cartas patentes") and Discharge Papers ("cartas de reformados"), 1847-1855

The book contains rank letters (cartas patentes) of military officials, including Francisco Joaquim Dantas, of Villa do Catolé do Rocha's National Guard Battalion's Fourth Company (4ª Companhia do Batalhão de Guardas Nacional da Villa do Catolé do Rocha), José Francisco de Oliveira, of the National Guard, Gabriel Fernandiz de Carvalho, of the National Guard's Seventh Battalion (7º Batalhão da Guarda Nacional), Marcelo Miguel Fernandez de Carvalho, Taipú's National Guard's Seventh Battalion, Fourth Company (4ª Companhia do 7º Batalhão da Guarda Nacional do Taipú), Vicente José da Costa , Pombal's Twenty-First Battalion of the National Guard's Second Company (2ª Companhia do 21º Batalhão da Guarda Nacional de Pombal), Amaro Godinho da Costa, Areia's National Guard's Reserve Company (Companhia do Corpo de Reserva da Guarda Nacional da cidade de Areia), and others. Letters refer to the beginning of the term for the posts of Lieutenant, Lieutenant Colonel, Section Lieutenant, Captain, and includes Retired Lieutenant and Retired Captain, from the city of Paraíba do Norte, between March 15, 1847, and December 6, 1854, signed by Government Secretary Francisco Xavier Paz Barreto.

Created by the Provincial Government of Paraíba.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 12 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with non-original hardcover. Damaged by insects and iron gall ink. Incomplete volume with initial folios missing.

Creator (Author): Francisco Xavier Paz Barreto.