Rank letters ("cartas patentes"), 1823-1827

The book contains rank letters (cartas patentes) of Lieutenant Francisco Felis do Espirito Santo, Battalion n.2 of the Second Line of Riflemen (Batalhão nº 2 de Caçadores da Segunda Linha), Lieutenant Thomaz Luiz da Serra, of the Second Battalion of Riflemen Militia (2º Batalhão de Milícias de Caçadores), Francisco de Paula Ferreira Lima of the Fourth Battalion, Fourth Company of Riflemen Militia (4ª Companhia do Quarto Batalhão de Caçadores Milicianos), Sergeant Felis Jozé de Sousa, and Sergeant Victorino Carmello, of the Alhandra's District Company (Companhia do Districto de Alhandra), Antonio Thomaz da Rocha of the Count's Ordinances Corp (Corpo de Ordenanças do Conde), Sergeant Gonçallo Fructuoso de Oliveira, Villa Real do Brejo de Areia's Ordinances (Ordenanças da Villa Real do Brejo de Areia), native (indio) Manoel Rodrigues Tavares, of the Villa de Monte Mór's Natives Ordinances, (Ordenanças dos índios da Villa de Monte Mór), and others. With reference to the beginning of the term of Sergeant-Major, Sergeant, National Rail Assistant, Captain, and Lieutenant, from the town of Nossa Senhora das Neves da Paraíba, between October 29, 1823, and October 11, 1827, signed by Government Secretary Official Major Antonio Joaquim Ferreir, Secretary João Barbosa Cordeiro, and Secretary Francisco Xavier Monteiro da Franca.

Created by the Provincial Government of Paraíba.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 86 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with non-original hardcover. Damaged by insects and iron gall ink. Initial folios are missing.

Creator (Author): Antonio Joaquim Ferreira (Oficial Maior da Secretaria do Governo), João Barbosa Cordeiro (Secretário) e Francisco Xavier Monteiro da Franca.