Appointments for Public Office, 1850-1857

The book contains register of titles and appointments for public servants between 1850 and 1857. It includes: Geronimo Antonio D’Almeida e Albuquerque's appointment to the post of Police Corps Major; Antonio Francisco Ferreira da Silva's appointment to the post of Latin Chair in the city of Areia; Fray João de Santa Delfina's appointment as assistant vicar in Villa de São João do Cariri Velho ; Targino Augusto de Paula Freire's appointment as primary school teaching assistant in Villa do Pilar; Father Ignacio da Encarnação's appointment to the post of assistant in the parish of Nossa Senhora da Guia; Father Joaquim Lopes D’Oliveira Galvão's appointment as assistant vicar in the parish of Jacoca; among others.

Created by the Provincial Revenue Administration.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 190 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with riginal cover, loose binding. Damaged by insects, acid paper, and iron gall ink. Some folios are blank and some are torn. Written information ends on folio 178.

Creator (Author): Antonio Manoel Baptista, Secretário do Governo da Província e Thomaz Jozé Maria, Secretário da Thesouraria.