Imperial Documents, 1863-1879 (CDCIR A3G4P10)

Loose manuscript documents dating from 1863 to 1879. Letter from Princess Imperial Regent naming law graduate (bacharel) Thomas Lourenço da Silva Pinto municipal judge and of orphans in the outskirts (termos) of Princesa, Sant’Anna, and Angicos, in the province of Rio Grande do Norte (1871); certificate of the Diocese of Olinda, Pernambuco, about the patrimony of the Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Ó, in Mamanguape e Ingá; funeral oration preached in the church of Nossa Senhora do Pilar by father Meira Henriques (1874); official letter from the Comission of Public Aid (Comissão de Socorros Públicos) of the town of Ingá on the need to arrange the delivery of food to the poor (1879).

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 24 folios, in addition to folder and front cover. Signs of perfuration and folding.

Creator (Author): Imperial Princess (Brasil); Olinda's Diocese; Paraíba's government.