Imperial Documents, 1857-1875 (CDCIR A3G4P8)

Loose manuscript documents dating from 1857 to 1875. Sermons of father Meira Henriques written between 1864 and 1875 and delivered at services in various churches, including the Misericórdia, Matriz de Pilar, Colégio da Cidade de Paraíba, Mãe dos Homens and Ordem Terceira do Carmo; report of the deputy of health of the city of Alagoas, José Romão, on public health (1857); bulletin of the Minister of Foreign Business (Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros), João Luiz Vieira Câmara de Sinimbú, addressed to the president of the province of Paraíba, on the need for foreign consulates to report the deaths of subjects of their respective nations (1860); summary ex officio of the deputy of police against defendants José Pastor, João da Silva Camello and Manoel Bernard de França, for the crime of murder (1862).

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 308 folios, in addition to folder and front cover. Damaged by iron gall ink.

Creator (Author): Father Meira Henriques; Minister of Foreign Affairs, João Luiz Vieira Câmara de Sinimbú; Paraíba's Police.