Book of Finances and Baptismal Certificates (1766-1776) / Livro de Finanças e Certidões de Batismo 1766-1776

The volume contains records for deposits on marriages, requests for forgiveness (for women living with men out of wedlock), and petitions for marriage. Men and women in this volume lived in and were from Caycó, the Fazenda Serra Branca, Lagoa Nova (Parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Campina Grande) and elsewhere. Signed by Friar Felippe da Conceição (Reform Carmelite), Gregorio de Figueredo Barbalho, Antonio de Souza Potazio, Cypriano Joze da Camara Gondim, and Manoel Monteiro de Oliveira Gondim.

Extent and format of original material: 1 handwritten volume with 90 folios, including cover and inside cover . Bound volume with hard cover (not original cover). Significant water damage, which makes it difficult to identify missing folios. Pages are numbered to folio 102. Several numbers are missing.