Book 2 of Marriages in the Parish of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, Cariri de Fora (1770-1816) / Livro de Casamento N. 2 Freguesia de Nossa Senhora dos Milagres - Cariri de Fora 1770 a 1816

This volume contains marriage records from 1770 to 1816. The betrothed were listed as free and freed and hailed from the parish of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, Mamanguape, Cidade da Paraíba, Goiana, Recife, Pombal, Porto (Portugal), and elsewhere. Marriages took place at the main church and at the following chapels: do Congo, de Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Cabaceiras, and de Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Campina Grande. Sacraments were administered by Father Cypriano José da Camara Gondim (priest and vicar of Cariri), and others. Priests and vicars of Cariri include: Alexandre Teixeira Mendes, Lourenço Alvares Duarte de Araujo Lima Gondim, Verissimo Machado, and José Fellis de Moraes. The betrothed were confirmed as free to marry by Joaquim Monteiro da Rocha, Visitor from the Sertões do Norte; Bishop Thomas da Encarnação; Ignacio de Araujo Gondim, visitador geral.

Extent and format of original material: 1 handwritten volume of 199 folios, including cover and inside cover . Bound volume of handwritten records. Volume was restored with the use of a film, which makes it difficult to read the pages. Hard cover (not original cover). Pages are numbered through folio 36, then there is a pause through folio 168, where numbering resumes.