Book of Baptisms of the Freguesia de Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, Cariri de Fora (1786-1837) / Livro de Batizados da Freguesia de Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, Cariri de Fora 1786 a 1837

The book holds baptismal records from 1786 to 1837 of enslaved children considered black, mixed, "parda", and "cabra", considered legitimate or illegitimate. Parents were from the Freguesia de Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, from Angola, and elsewhere. Godparents were free or enslaved. Baptisms took place in the main church, in the Capela de Cabaceiras, at the Fazenda da Tapera, the Fazenda do Badalo, the Fazenda Carnauba, the Fazenda do Campo Velho, and the Fazenda Caruatâ. Sacraments were administered by Father Antonio de Santa Tereza de Jesus, Assistant Jose Coelho de Lima, Father Francisco de Santa’Anna, Curate Joaquim José Severas, Assistant Fabrício de Porciuncula Gamera, Curate Verissimo Machado, Manuel Enriques, Interim Vicar Galdino da Costa Villar, and Father João de Santa Delfina. Baptisms were signed by the Curate Veríssimo Machado Freire, Vicar Jozé Felis de Moraes, Interim Vicar Galdino da Costa Villar, Father João de Santa Delfina, and Curate Joaquim José Severas.

Extent and format of original material: 1 handwritten volume with 202 folios, including the cover and inside cover . Bound, restored volume of handwritten documents. Hard cover that is not the original. Pages are numbered from 199.