Gädlä häwariyat - Lives of the Apostles [18th century]

MS NO. 63 22f. Acts of the Apostles The bookblock- very deformed and dirty on all surface. There are a large losses of corners of the bookblock (outer and lower folios margins) caused probably by rodents. Extensive losses include also lower areas of the columns of text. All folios are yellowish and the glass-like layer, as an effect of gelatinization process of the parchment on all margins can be observed. There are numerous smaller water-stains, smudges and spots visible on almost all folios. The binding- is in bad condition. The leather is partly unstuck and fragile in many areas. There are cracks in the joints and edges of the covers. The wooden boards are damaged. The front board has losses in the corners The back is preserved only in half. The surface of the leather is very dirty, stained, broken and partly worn away.