الشقائق النعمانية al-Shaqāʾiq al-Nuʿmānīyah [17th century]

Description: History & Biography.

The work belongs to the genre of ṭabaqa (stages) historiography. There are ten ṭabaqa, one each for the first ten sultans of the Ottoman dynasty, i.e., from Osman to Suleyman the Magnificent. Each ṭabaqa contains notices on the major scholars (ʿ ulema) and shaykhs of that sultan’s reign. There is a table of contents ( fihrist) of the first side of the fifth folio

Volume and issue number: part I, 198/3/45.

Extent and format of original material: 189 pages.

Physical characteristics of original: Gilded in the entrance, surrounded the text with two gilded lines.

Author: Tash Kubri Zadah.

Calligraphic script.