"Libro de Defunciones [1880-1881. 1883-1890, 1897, 1909]"

Father José María Lugo, Presbyter Gumersindo Porto Rodríguez, Alfredo Vigeant M., P. Isaías Pescitelli, Lacides Bernal, Baldomero Beleño, Miguel Castilla, and Roberto A. Charri sign the death records in this book. The document contains death certificates. Of particular interest in this book is a letter in which Gumersindo Porto noted that he received the parish of Santa Cruz de Lorica from the hands of José María Lugo, who is Porto's first burial on October 26, 1887. Among the names in the document are: Juan Polo, Silvestre Rodríguez, Catalina Conde, María Josefa Petro, Feliciana Mora, Nicanor Nieves, José Mercedes Delgado, Rufina López, and Juan Bautista Negrete.