Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1847-1848. Tomo Unico [1847-1848]

This protocolo contains documents from 1847 and 1848. The protocolo holds special powers and sales of rooms and homes, bail bonds, and titles. It also includes some special documents, like the one that indicates the extension of the Riohacha docks located on folio 218r of the 1847 protocolo. It also includes the sale of a schooner in 1848 by Mr. Gabriel Pinedo, written in Dutch with a translation into Spanish. The 1848 protocol includes two books: one from the Camarones District and the other from the district of Moreno each containing wills, powers of attorney, bonds, and contracts. It contains a rationale for building on behalf of Cecilia Parodi (Folio 225R of 1848). There is also a mortgage for Mr. Marcelino Balverde made by Nicolás Danies, neighbor and trader of the city of Riohacha. Among the wills are those of Pedro José Celedón, José María Maestre y Hoyos, José María Pereira, José Lorenzo Baquero, José Antonio del Castillo, Luis Daza, Ana Santiago Guerra, Miguel Mejía, Trinidad Arsegases, Francisco Acosta, Gertrudis Urrutia, and Petronila Redondo. Some of the powers were granted by Mr. José Antonio Móvil to Dr. Manuel José Anaya, by Jacob Roiz Méndez to Mr. José Campo, by José Trinidad López to Juan Martínez Aldao; by Joseph Laborde to Mr. Manuel Marcelino Núñez (of Cartagena). The notary who signs most of the documents is Pio Robles.