Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1844. Tomo Unico [1843 - 1844]

This protocolo includes an alphabetical index that lists sales and purchases, deposits, powers, protests, recognition of obligations and debts, land titles, and several contracts. The index includes an explanatory note made ​​in 1882 by José Brujeres who warned of an error in the manufacture of this document, noting that the folio 167 jumps to 178, as it remains today. The page numbering varies throughout. The protocolo includes examples of how the inhabitants of the area surrounding Riohacha made use of legal means to claim their belongings. For example, Agueda Fuentes on December 16, 1843 protested before an esteemed member of the Treasury Juan Fraile, requesting recognition of a testament in front of witnesses. In another example, Nicolas Barrios makes a bail payment to Judge Nicolas Medina in defense of his brother Martin Barrios for his mismanagement as a collector of tithes of the Canton de San Juan and was taken to jail. We also find the will made by Rita Almasa and a customs clearance denied to the English boat Burley commanded by Captain George Fraser.