Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1842-1843. Tomo Unico [1842-1843]

This volume contains two years 1842-1843 and includes transfers of powers, wills, letters of emancipation of slaves, and certificates of property sales. It also contains eighteenth-century colonial documents, property sales, and certificates of sale of a brig written in English with a translation into Spanish from the office of Kingston Jamaica. Also, there is a document written in Dutch with no translation into Spanish (1842, Folio 180R). There is a certificate of sale of an American schooner called "Mediterranean," written in English followed by a translation into Spanish. The protocolo also includes wills like those of Juan Bautista Parodi, María Ana de Mendoza, the Venezuelan José Mauricio Paris, and Agustina María González, among others.