Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1840. Tomo Unico [1839-1840]

The protocolo has only one book with two types of page numbering. Dr. Miguel Macaya who is listed as a Judge of the province of Riohacha signed the deeds. Among the records are private payment bonds for administration of assets, complaints, recognition of debt payments, asset sales, documentation of wills, and powers granted. Within the protocolo is a letter written in Dutch from Curação in the year 1839 and translated by M. Ricardo; the title to a house inhabited by Maria Josefa Solas; a complaint made by Bartolo Mato, captain of a schooner against Isac Pinedo; a guarantee given by Manuel Fuentes to Pascual Suarez; the sale of a slave named Dominga Conde by Francisca Pérez to Isabel Jauseno de Barliza; and, a special power granted by Mr. José María Cárdenas to Nicolás Vale. We also find several wills including that of José Vicente Borrego and Mr. Bruno Cuadrado and several bonds, such as the one provided by Rafael Barliza to Vicente Romero y Guerrero.