Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1899. Tomo Unico [1899]

This protocolo contains notarial and judicial processes. Rafael Armas serves as judge and José Gutiérrez Brugés serves as notary. This book contains: notarization of documents, special powers, acknowledgement of children (Blacina Medina acknowledges a child, German Bonivento acknowledges Alberto, Carlota, Carlota, Elvira,and Medina as his children), home sales (Ana Joaquina Pichón de Subiría sells a house to Miguel E. Freyle; Simón Basilia and Weniceslada Quintero sell a house to Felipa Bueno), sales of plots, room sales, miscellaneous sales (Marcelo Parra sells a schooner to Victor Dugand, María Trinidad Lubero sells land with banana and coffee plants to Juan Bautista Campo Velásquez), deposits, debts, several sales, and wills (Teodocia Claudia Rosado, Carlos Rivadeneyra, Silvestre Armas, and Melchor Ospino). Names worth noting are: Victor Dugand and Peter H. Cristoffel. A large number of women participated in the notarial document in this year.