"Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1858. Tomo Unico [1853, 1856, 1858]"

This is a single volume of 365 pages. There are no pages between 249r and 260r, which appears to be a numbering error. Three different public notaries sign the registers: the first is José Antonio Bruges Escala up to the folio 110v, then Juan Francisco Gómez up to the folio 304V, and from there on Mr. Isac Salas. The general content of the protocolo includes mostly sales of homes, lots and rooms, many certificates of amount of pesos, powers, cancellations of deeds, and wills. The protocolo includes a document written in Dutch followed by the Spanish translation, which records the sale of a schooner called "Dantes" to Mr. Rafael Wefer in 1856. Also there is a page dating back to 1853 confirming that a vacant lot was owned by the late Mrs. Joaquina Rodríguez. There is also a special power awarded to Juan Francisco Gómez, noted above as a notary public of this protocolo. Another document by Mr. Nicolás Danies confirms the amount of pesos that Mr. Jose Antonio Tovar earns. There are testaments of José María Guerra, a native of San Juan de Cesar, Ana María Moralez, Andrés Galván and Bartolo Rivera, among others.