"Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1857. Tomo Unico [1818, 1856-1857]"

The protocolo is divided into two books, with two sets of numbering. At the beginning of each of the books there is an index in an acceptable state of reading.The first book contains 85 notarial records, including a dozen processes canceled for failure to file the signatures of the persons involved in such processes. These records are easily located as the registration officers put a disclaimer at the foot of each process canceled. The second book contains one hundred ten notarial records, including 17 titles, 11 bonds, and 20 processes of buying and selling goods, along with judicial powers, complaints directed at national and district administration, legalizations, hiring and donations. In this book Mr. Juan Freiles serves as acting notary, signing all the records. Among the records are processes of payments of debts between individuals, lease payments between individuals, sale of goods between individuals, collection and payment of bonds, wills, revocations, cancellations, and protests against the administration of district and national collections, and powers granted for judicial offices. There is a certificate from the English Vice Consul Michael Constantine, signed in 1856, proving the ownership of the schooner "Royal George" -- whose registration was made at the time of King William IV in 1845 -- by several British citizens. The schooner would be sold at auction in the city of Riohacha in the year 1857 to Mr. José Antonio Barrios Troconi. Accreditation is written in English and contains a translation. There is also a certificate of good standing of the government of Riohacha to the national government dated 1855. On folio 185 there is a register of judicial power, granted by the city of Bogotá in the year 1855. On folios 103 to 106 there is a document that denotes ownership of a plot on behalf of Mrs. Juaquina Gómez, that was given to her by Mr. Joaquin Vargas and Friere, whose property registration was signed in 1818. Mr. José Antonio Brujes Escala and Juan Francisco Gómez serve as substitute notaries.