"Notaria de Riohacha - Protocolo 1855. Tomo Unico [1792-1795, 1855]"

Among the notarial documents of this protocolo are titles, sales of houses and lots, wills, mortgage notes, letters to political leaders, and letters addressed to the council, among others. This year Mr. Juan Francisco Gómez was the sole Notary of the town of Riohacha, serving as a substitute. In some cases Mr. Augustine Soto was ad hoc notary when the deputy or principal notary failed to appear. We found some documents from Mr. José Ramón Fraile's term. There is also an appeal made by provincial prosecutor Fernando Espejo to give power to Dr. Andrés Obregón to act on his behalf against Circuit Judge Pio Robles in a case of liquor rights. The cancellation of processes in this year was carried out by officials in later years. In wills and sales, the physical condition of properties is described. There is documentary support used to back up processes; for example, in the will of Fernando Joaquín Gómez there is documentation from 1792 through 1795. There are processes from people coming from other places like Barranca, Tomarrazon in the district of Camarones y Fonseca. The protocolo also demonstrates relations between the inhabitants of this city and those of Santa Marta and the Caribbean, such as the sale of a schooner in Curação by Mr. Gabriel Pinedo. There is important documentation referring to the succession of the family of José Manuel Goenaga, plenipotentiary minister of Colombia in Brussels, owner of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown, born in Riohacha. Also, there is an act to place the remains of Admiral José Prudencio Padilla in the Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Riohacha.