Land Loan [1859-]

This palm-leaf document gives information about monhnhanj ceTTi and his son kunjcaanj ceTTi mortgage of their land for borrowing money from periya cuurappa kavuNTar, son of immuTi accuraama periya cuurappa kavuNTar, zamindar of naTukkooTTai village. This information is available in the 4th palm-leaf in the images 1 and 2; 1st palm-leaf in the images 1 and 2.

Physical characteristics/Extent and format of original material: Palmyra leaf (borassus flabellifer); height 3cm, width 56cm; sideline perforation. 2 handwritten Palm leaf documents (2 palm-leaves).

Creation dates of original material (Gregorian and/or Tamil calendar): 1859; rutrotkaari/vaikaaci/04.