"Sakawlh-Lal Manna Vanthar Bu . ""How to Destroy the Beast"" - Book 1 to Book 27 [c 1913]"

The title of Tlira's work (Sakawlh-Lal Manna Vanthar Bu) roughly translates to “How to Destroy the Beast”, and is a lengthy exposee of Tlira's original religious vision, prophesy, and doctrine. This collection could offer researchers not only a glimpse into Tlira's own religious breakaway movement (which was the first 'indigenous' alternative to the British missionaries' efforts), but also into then contemporary culture, identity, worldview, authority, and everyday life. Tlira founded the region's first indigenous Christian church movement, which broke away from the fledgling but dominant British-missionary-led Church in 1913. Tlira's movement continues to have followers in today's Mizoram—they are labelled by others as 'Tlira Pawl' though do not seem to have any self-identification as such.

Twenty seven bound exercise books, each measuring 250 mm by 168 mm.

The actual text is well preserved, though the bindings on most of the exercise books are separating, with the occasional page broken free. Stains mark certain pages.