Yrigoyen Hipólito Personalidad [1920s-1960s]

Description: This Nepaco folder contains newspapers' and magazines' clippings and articles. Hipólito Yrigoyen (1852 –1933) was an Argentinean politician who became president twice (1916-1922 and 1928-1930). He was the most relevant leaders of the political party Unión Cívica Radical (UCR). He was the first president in Argentine history to be elected by secret and universal male vote and to be deposed by a military coup led by General José Evaristo Uriburu and supported by the politically displaced landed elite. This Nepaco folder deals with his political personality and public persona. See, Rock, David, El radicalismo argentino, 1890-1930, (Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1977), and Falcon, Ricardo (comp.), Democracia, conflicto social y renovación de ideas (1916-1930), (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2000). Extent of original: Nepaco folder. Condition of original: Bad condition.