Unión Cívica Radical [1930s-1940s]

Description: This envelope contains three envelopes comprising photographs, newspapers’ and magazines’ clippings and articles. We can read on its cover “Datos ver Carpeta” this means that for the articles and texts on these images you should consult the corresponding (and not found) Nepaco folder. The three stationary envelopes refer to the female branch of the political party, the registration of the political followers, and the so-called “Subversive plan“ of December 1932. Overall, these documents inform us about the oldest political party in existence to-day in Argentina and Latin America. It was the first political party to oppose the oligarchic rule of the landed elite with a complex social composition of immigrants' children, grandchildren of the elite, poor criollos, and part of the working class. The UCR was the first political party to assume power in a democratic way thanks to Roque Saenz Peña's universal male suffrage. The radicales won all the democratic elections since 1916 to 1930 when the military, led by José Evaristo Uriburu, deposed the then president Hipólito Yrigoyen. See, Rock, David, El radicalismo argentino, (Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1977), and Luis Romero, José Luis, Las ideas políticas en Argentina, (México D. F.: FCE, 1956). Extent of original: Handmade envelope . Condition of original: Poor condition.