Vacaciones [1920s-40s]

Description: This handmade envelope contains newspapers’ and magazines’ clippings and articles that inform us of the appearance of the social phenomena known as vacations in Argentina. They were, partly, the outcome of the introduction of the railways that allowed the middle class to travel. Hotels, guides, and tours multiplied in a transition towards a new kind of life now divided between leisure and work time. In this envelope we can see the evolution of vacations from a high class privilege in the exclusive seaside resort of Mar del Plata founded by Patricio Peralta Ramos in 1834. By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, the middle class joined them. After 1943, J. D. Perón’s government integrated the working classes to the famous vacations in Mar del Plata, thus, provoking the exile of the high class to Punta del Este in Uruguay. See, Pastoriza, Elisa, La conquista de las vacaciones, (Buenos Aires: Edhesa, 2011) and, by the same autor, El turismo social en la Argentina durante el primer peronismo. Mar del Plata, la conquista de las vacaciones y los nuevos rituales obreros, 1943-1955, in Extent of original: Handmade envelope . Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.