Sufragio Femenino Asociación Argentina [1930s]

Description: This envelope informs us about the Asociación Argentina del Sufragio Femenino (Argentina Association pro Female Suffrage). Since the passing of the Ley Saenz Peña that had imposed the universal male vote, different groups of women demanded the female suffrage in Argentina. In 1932, the Argentine Association pro Female Suffrage was founded but it never gained the necessary political strength as it never managed to overcome the traditional role of women among the lower classes or connect with them. See, Barrancos, Dora, Mujeres en la sociedad argentina, (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 2007). This handmade envelope contains photos plus newspapers’ and magazines’ articles and clippings. Extent of original: Handmade envelope . Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.