Sementu biher orit bale milikit (Octateuch) [15th Century]

It covers the 12 books of the Old Testament which are usually known in the tradition as sementu bihere orit and four other Old Testament books. In the andemta commentary trdition, there are books which are used by instructors as references. These books are called bale melekket (with symbol) which are not fully commentaries but give short incites to the instructor the hermeneutic narrative he should follow in commenting a Ge'ez reading. This codice is called sementu bihere orit bale melekket (the Octateuch with symbol). The books are Genesis (1b-26b), Exodus (26b-45b), Leviticus (46a-601), Numbers (60b-79b), Deutronomy (80a-97b), Joshua (98a-109a), Judges (109b-120b), Ruth (120b-122a), Judges (123b-183b). There is a summary of Imperial history of the country from ff. 184-186.

Physical characteristics: Bounded with hard cover, the back edge of the book is dislocated. The measurement of the manuscript is 40.5x35x9, scribed in three columns.

15th Century (During the reign of King Be'ede Maryam - f.185a). Scribe: Hawarya Kiristos.