Thor bu Pad dkar bka' 'bum kha thor sogs

The volume contains 9 individual titles: dDe mchog bong zhal, sNga 'gyur bla med spyi'i bdag 'jug, Byang gter rnam 'joms sgrub thabs, 'Khor lo sdom pa lha bcu gsum ma'i dkyil 'khor, 'Pho ba'i gdams pa zab mo, sNgags kyi gso sbyong, Thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel, Nor rgyam khrid gzhung don gsal me long and rJe rgod tshang pa'i zhal gdams. The volume is written on cream coloured traditional Bhutanese paper made from dahpne bark. Black ink is used to write this book. 1 volume containing 106 folios of manuscripts on paper in loose leaf poti format of varying sizes.

Dates of original material: unknown.

Volume: None.

Script(s) of material: Tibetan dBu can and dBu med scripts.