The Book of the Obligations [late 19th century–early 20th century]

The Book of the Obligations ("Kitāb al-farā'iḍ"), كتاب الفرائض. By First part by faqīh Ṭayyib al-Wanāgī al-Ṣadrī; second and third parts by Ibn 'Abdallāh 'Umar b. Ǧibr(ā)īl al-Awsām al-Sāḫiti.

Extent and format of original material: 1 paper codex, 213 x 170 x 10 mm.

Author(s): First part by faqīh Ṭayyib al-Wanāgī al-Ṣadrī; second and third parts by Ibn 'Abdallāh 'Umar b. Ǧibr(ā)īl al-Awsām al-Sāḫiti.