"Commentary on 1-4 Kings, Commentary on Ecclesiasticus, Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles, Amharic treatise on the Trinity and the Incarnation, Commentary on 1-3 Maccabees, Commentary on 2 Ezra, Commentary...

Commentary on 1-4 Kings; Commentary on Ecclesiasticus; Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles; Amharic treatise on the Trinity and the Incarnation; Commentary on 1-3 Maccabees; Commentary on 2 Ezra; Commentary on Jubilees; Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles; Commentary on Jeremiah Commentary on 1-3 Kings; Bahra hassab; Commentary on the Anaporas (f. 72b mentions Menilek II). By Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Extent and format of original material: 1 parchment codex, 210 x 164 x 62 mm.

Author(s): Unknown.