"Various religious texts; nityu juk sá cho, mu wúng nun sá tyú júk thó ká thing wung cho, sá tyú júk thó ká thi wúng cho"

Various religious texts, contains: nityu juk sá cho, mu wúng nun sá tyú júk thó ká thing wung cho, sá tyú júk thó ká thi wúng cho. 343×110 mm; 68 pages; ms handmade, bookform, one quire, stitched, loose paper cover; machinemade paper; black, red and blue ink; scribe Thilok Lepcha, p. 67 ms signed in Lepcha and Nepali thilúk róngkup THILOK thiluk lapche, p. 68 ms dated in Nepali 30-4-85 pudho lapche; condition reasonable, water stains; p. 2 notes in Nepali.