Worship of Ekádoshi: ?ekádoshi sá munlóm

Worship of Ekádoshi: ?ekádoshi sá munlóm. 245×125 mm; 100 pages; ms handmade, oblong bookform, loose paper cover, several quires, stitched; combination of handmade and machinemade paper; black, purple and blue ink, notes in red ink; scribe and date unknown; condition poor, many pages damaged, some pages torn, some insect attacks, water stains, dirt and ink stains; notes p1. in Lepcha and Nepali, cho ʔáre ʔekdoshi sa cho gum, doshi munlóm sa cho gum, ʔáre ‘Sonam Lepcha NamRing Bosty’, Sonam Lepcha ko kitap [This is the book of ʔékádoshi, the prayerbook doshi, this is Sonam Lepcha from Namríng village, Sonam Lepcha’s book].