"The story of lord Tashe: tashe sung, Celebratory song: ?ápryá vâm,; Worship of Ekádoshí: ?ekádoshi sá munlóm; the story of the king of death: rúkáng pano sá sung [22 October 1934]"

The story of lord Tashe: tashe sung, Celebratory song: ?ápryá vâm, Worship of Ekádoshí: ?ekádoshi sá munlóm, The story of the king of death: rúkáng pano sá sung. 210×140 mm; 227 pages; ms handmade, oblong bookform, stapled, taped, and stitched, cover of cowskin; handmade paper; black ink, notes in red and blue ink and pencil; scribe Rápdenshíng Foning, p. 153 and p. 225 ms signed Rápdenshíng Foning, p. 13 dated 22-10-1934, p. 225 dated 1935; some marginal notes and notes inside front and reverse cover by Arthur Foning, note inside front cover gives titles, note inside reverse cover 8/6/78, ʔákáp shuk sanyi or ʔákom, added page numbers in red not always correct, annotations and english translations form part of text.