The legend of the Goddess Queen: rum pundi sá námthár [1894-1895]

The legend of the Goddess Queen: rum pundi sá námthár.338×143 mm; 170 pages; ms handmade, oblong bookform, four quires and brown paper cover, stitched, whole ms wrapped in loose dark green cotton scarf; handmade paper; black ink; scribe Nákphye Lepcha, p. 94 ms signed Nákphye Lepcha in Lepcha zónnyínkup nákphye go nun [I, the human creature Nákphye], p. 160 ms dated 1894-1895 in Lepcha; condition reasonable, dirt and water stains and insect attacks, traces of mould; p. 49 notes in blue ink in Lepcha signed Rápdenshíng Foning, pp. 165-168 different handwriting.