The story of Tsamud manuscript

It is told there is a problem in the story in 1000 about Samud Abdullah bin Salam. Original story was written in the language of Persian. It was translated into the Jawi language by the copyist. Beginning with the story of Abbas after visiting the Prophet in Medina, came the angel Gabriel to tell the command to bring / send a letter to a pious Jew in the place named Khaibar and the jew pastor was Abdullah ibnu Salam who was very well learned man about the Torah, the Gospel, and Psalms. The letter was delivered by a qadi named. The letter is as follow: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, (In the name of God the most Merciful) I'm the last prophet, ... fainnal Ardha yarisuha man yasya'min man 'ibadih wal' aqibatu lilmuttaqiin ..." (the earth will be inherited to those being selected by God from his servants and the end of the events are for the pious people).

Extent and format of original material: European paper. Length and width of manuscript:31 x 21.5 cm. Length and width of text:22 x 13 cm.