Hakku Patra of Siripati Narasimha [17th Century ]

Contributor / Caste / Performance: Katipapalu. Medium of original material: copper plate. Description of material: The edge of the upper part of the copper plate is cut into seven cusp arches. On front side are Sun and Moon, two Nandis, Shiva and serpent. Dimensions: height 28 cm, width 18 cm. It is mentioned in the Hakku Patra that women those help Katipapalu by providing the need has to give freely two coppers. Even a mother is not great than this convention. Mala caste must give one rupee and washer-man has to provide cloth. Begara is also has right to receive help from other communities. The family member of deceased should give one Varaha (coin) or a calf so that deceased person will get much punyam (heaven). No one should scold him, he is like our child.