Hakku Patra of Kadem Narasimha [17th Century ]

Contributor / Caste / Performance: Katipapalu. Medium of original material: copper sheet square and rectangle. Description of material: The copper plate inscription certifies the right (Hakku) of ‘Kaatipaapalu’ community, a sub-ordinate caste of Maala/Madiga, to depend on and seek alms from Maala/Madiga community. Great part of this inscriptional text is all praise for Kaashi Viswanath/ an incarnation of Lord Siva. Dwelling much on greatness of Lord Siva, this inscription narrates that consequent to setting ablaze Manmatha, the God of love, a tear from the third eye of Lord Siva dropped in the burning pyre, so the “Katipaapadu’ was born, Lord Siva ordered him to execute the duty of watch dog of the Grave yard, and gave him a protection that nobody shall despise him, and every body shall love him as a son. This certificate further describes that the Kaatipaapadu be given a number of gifts viz., cow and calf, silver anklets, plate and pitcher, ear-rings and some coins too. He is entitled to take some belongings of the corpse – new cloth, golden bead put in the mouth etc., There is also a threat in this inscription that violators of the above norms will be cursed, those who abide by them will be blessed. The edge of the upper part of the copper plate has benn cut into 11 cusp arches. On front side there is a bird, village Goddess and Shivalingam and one Nandi is seen. On the Back side Moon and Sun and one Pillar before temple called Dwaja Stambam are seen.