Hakku Patra of Kadem Komuraiah [17th Century ]

Contributor / Caste / Performance: Katipapalu. Medium of original material: copper sheet square and rectangle. Description of material: The edge of the upper part of the copper plate is cut into a cusp arch design with 11 curves. It contains the motifs of Shivalingam (God Shiva) and Nandis on both sides of the copper plate seen. On the front side are engraved letters, on the rear side of the plate there are sun and moon symbols with engraved letters. Dimensions: length 25 cm, width 20 cm, both sides of the plate are engraved with letters. No single inch of space is unwritten. There are 27 lines on the front side and 32 lines on the rear side of the plate. Thin letters and free hand style of writing is prominent. The details of donation and issuing of Hakku Patra institution is not known at present.