Le Trait d'Union : Organe des Jeunesses de l'Inde Française"Le Trait d'Union : Organe des Jeunesses de l'Inde Française. Continued as Le Trait d'Union: Organe culturel et artistique des Jeunesses de l...

Missing issues: Vol. 11, issue 3 and Vol. 16, issue 1. Vol. 11, issue 6 has been bound twice. Vol. 13, issue 3 is wrongly numbered as issue 2 and vol. 16, issue 2 as Vol. 15, issue 2. Vol.11, issue 12 (Oct. 1954), Vol. 12, issue 5 (March 1955), Vol. 12, issue 6 (Apr. 1955), Vol. 12, issue 12 (Oct. 1955), Vol. 13, issue 2 (Dec. 1955), Vol. 13, issue 5 (Mar. 1956) have supplements.Vol. 11, issue 12 and Vol. 12, issue 5 are special issues. The volume contains fictional pieces (including a serialized novel titled “Sacré Rabbit”), poems, articles about Pondicherry/French India and their history, local news, book reviews, announcements and advertisements etc. The period covered in this volume coincides with the deconolization of Pondicherry and its merger with the Indian Union. So there is information on the developments leading up to the merger, negotiations between the French and Indian governments and the eventual handing over of power, visits of the Indian Prime Minister and President and the French Ambassador to Pondicherry, elections in Pondicherry, the inauguration of the French Institute of Pondicherry etc. The themes of some of the other articles are: the future of Pondicherry and of Indo-French cultural relations, the place of French culture in Pondicherry and its future, the name “Pondichéry”, Le Corbusier, history of Ariancoupom, the Pondicherry port, history of the Pondicherry Public Library, Muslims of South India, French in secondary education etc. There are also some articles on literature and philosophy (both French and Indian), medicine, science etc.

1 volume containing 58 issues and 6 supplement issues, approx. 784 pages in various pagings. Dimensions: 28.5 x 21.5 cm. Pages 1-2 of the June 1958 issue and pages 5-8 of the Aug. 1958 issue are torn. A white sheet has been placed behind these pages so that a clear copy could be obtained. Also pages I-IV of the Apr.1955 supplement issue (i.e. supplement of Vol. 12, no. 6) are bound upside down and in reverse order.