Journal officiel de l’Inde française, 100th year; Issues 1 to 53, 1949

Issues 20, 23, 24, 31 have supplements 20bis, 23bis, 24bis & 24ter and 31bis and issues 1, 22, 32, 48, 49 have unnumbered supplements. Some of the topics covered are: budgets and accounts; salaries, allowances, pensions, promotions of government personnel; creation of leprosy services in Pondicherry; extracts of the new statutes of the Indochina bank; statutes of the Sri Barathi Mills in Pondicherry; elections for several municipal councils and some vacant seats in the Representative Assembly; several decisions of the Council of Administrative Litigation; prohibition on foreigners (i.e. non-residents of French India) to speak at public meetings; decisions relating to the referendum held in Chandernagor on 19th June 1949 (on whether it wants to remain within the French Union or not); census survey of communal properties in Villenour; several decisions relating to education and schools; nomination of some temple management committees; competitive examinations for government jobs, recruitments, retrenchments; nominations, honours, transfers, leaves, etc; approvals for the publication of some local journals; prices of arrack, salt, oil, postal rates; licences for indigenous liquors; taxes etc. The volume also contains various announcements and notices, including legal and judicial announcements, public auction of seized properties, information about recruitment, tenders, meteorological data, list of acquisitions of the public library, list of those who have become renonçants, and other miscellaneous information. Some of the announcements are translated in Tamil and a few in English.

1 volume containing 53 issues and 10 supplement issues; 644 pages. Dimensions: 33 x 24 cm. 2 unnumbered pages in this volume (issue 24ter) are smaller in size than the other pages. A white sheet has been placed behind them in order to obtain a clear copy.