Journal officiel des Établissements français dans l’Inde"Journal officiel des Établissements français dans l’Inde, 93rd year; Issues 1 to 52, 1942."

Missing pages: 529-540 (digitised from another copy and inserted at the end of the main run). Issue 27 has supplements 27bis and 27ter and issue 29 has a supplement 29bis. Issue 41 has an unnumbered supplement of 21st Oct. Issue 20bis of 1941 has been wrongly included in this volume after issue 20. Some of the topics covered are: decrees/ordinances relating to the organization of the government of Free France; several orders relating to the war situation; recruitment in the army; creation of military zones and zones of protection in French India; modifications in the code of criminal procedure applicable in French India; reorganization of the Tax department; budgets and accounts; salaries, allowances, promotions of civil and military personnel; some decisions relating to education; several decisions of the Council of Administrative Litigation; rationing of sugar; declaration of a cholera epidemic in Pondicherry and Karikal and instructions for urgent preventive measures; creation of an archaeological and historical museum in Pondicherry; competitions for government jobs; nominations, transfers, leaves, etc; approvals for the formation of various local associations; price of salt etc.; taxes. Issues 27bis and 27ter (pages 1-161) and 29bis (pages 1-142) contain ordinances of the Government of British India which provide for the insurance of certain property against war risks. These ordinances are made applicable in French India also.

1 volume containing 52 issues, 4 supplement issues and indices, 1054 plus 161 plus 142 pages. Dimensions: 25.5 x 17 cm.