Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l’Inde. Tome sixième. Année 1833"Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l’Inde. Tome sixième. Année 1833 Vol...

Missing pages: pages 113-114 (digitized from another copy and inserted at the end of the main run). This volume contains notification nos. 485 to 537. Many of them deal with legal matters, such as: modifications to the civil law, to the penal code of 1810 in force in French India; law on the legislative regime of the colonies, on the Royal court (“cour royale”) in Pondicherry; organisation of the judicial police in the districts of Villenour and Bahour; new organisation of the courts of first instance in Yanaon and Mahe, modifications in the application of the “peine de rotin” (punishment by flogging) to the Indians and other decisions on punishments and fines; implementation of “contraintes de corps” (imprisonment for debt) etc. There are also a couple of decisions pertaining to the visit of merchant ships and the constitution of a Board of Admiralty.

1 volume containing 7 issues and indices; 152 pages plus 8 index pages. Dimensions: 19 x 12 cm.