Bulletin officiel des Établissements français de l’Inde. Tome cinquante-quatrième. Année 1880 Vol. 54, Issues 1 to 12, 1880

Missing pages: 636-637 (digitised from another copy and inserted at the end of the main run). This volume contains notification nos. 1 to 739. Some of the topics covered are: several decisions regarding public education; organisation of the various offices within the Directorate of Interior; creation of a customs office at the Pondicherry railway station; appointment of mayors in French India and their assignments; detailed order on the creation of municipalities in French India (the territory was divided into 10 “communes”); nomination of municipal councils; promulgation in the colonies of the law on the press; regorganisation of the cipahis corps; changes to the organization of the judiciary in French India; rules relating to lepers and the leprosarium; ministerial circular encouraging the dispatch of specimens of seeds and plants from the colonies to the scientific establishments in France; Mr. Delafon given charge of collecting the mural inscriptions in the districts and villages of Pondicherry and undertaking archaeological excavations; promulgation of the presidential decree on the civil status of Indians; decisions of the Council of Administrative Litigation; promulgation in French India of the 1856 decree on “expropriation for public utility”; opening of the Gondolpura road in Chandernagor; revision of electoral rolls etc.

1 volume containing 12 issues and indices; 1002 pages & 2 foldouts containing tables. Dimensions: 21 x 14 cm.