Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l’Inde. Tome second. Année 1829"Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l’Inde. Tome second. Année 1829 Vol. 2...

Missing issue: 10 (pages 57-118). This volume contains notification nos. 79 to 198. Some of the topics covered are: appointment of DeMelay as governor of French India; creation of posts such as Ordonnateur, Directeur de l'Intérieur, Procureur-général, Contrôleur des Établissements de l'Inde etc.; budget of the French Marine department for the year 1829; rules concerning cabotage (navigation conventions), export of fabric made in Pondicherry; rules relating to public instruction, agriculture and industry; fees fixed for various "vacations", i.e. services rendered on contract-basis; prize distribution for the students of the Royal College, nominations and promotions etc.

1 volume containing 7 issues and indices; 239 pages plus 17 index pages. Dimensions: 19 x 13 cm. The copy for this volume is in a very poor condition. The pages are extremely brittle and blackened with age. Some of the pages are torn or damaged. For the torn pages, a white sheet was placed behind the damaged page so that a clear copy could be obtained.