Syair Cerita Kanak' Mengeluarkan Ibu Bapanya Dari Dalam Neraka Serta Menyongsong Keduanya di Padang Mahsyar

Religious didactic poem relating the story of a young child who dies, enters paradise and saves his deceased parents from hell on Judgement Day. The poem consists of 4 parts: introduction, Kanak' keluar dari dalam surga; Kanak' bertemu dengan ayah dan bundanya; kanak' mencari ayah bundanya. Copyist: Haji Muhamad Abdullah Tebing Tinggi (Palembang).

Notes: Booklet typographically printed in black ink. Pink front cover illustrated with image of mosque, mountain and coconut tree. Bound with corroding staplers. Cover waterstained and back cover missing, also part of the booklet waterstained and discoloured to brown. Title page and text printed in frame of 14 x 9.2 cm. Text of the syair in two frames measuring 14 x 4.6 cm, with 20 lines to the page. Syair registered in Tebing Tinggi under number 27/ 1941.