Penjabaran Sifat Allah

Text on the characteristics of God, such as Wujud and Hayat; explained in meaning, with quotations and signs. Author and date unknown. Written in a blue ruled note book, cut at the sides, think blue covers. The last 22 pages are empty, spine is torn, and the manuscript is held together with corroding staples. Written in blue ink with some in black and brown. On front cover we find some printed Chinese and Latin characters and: TOKO BUKU. SIN SIN No. 73 Djalan Tiong Hwa Tandjong Pinang (Riau). On the backcover there is Sekolah Rak(yat?) Riau, and the following writing: Nama: Djenjang; Peladjaran: Kelas V; Klas: Midai I. Margins damaged, paper brittle and with insect damage.